MBA ... or how to boost your income !! :)

Monday, March 27, 2006
Ore : Monday, March 27, 2006

Let's take a look at the impact of an MBA !
  • First, what is an MBA ?
" The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program originated in the U.S. over a hundred years ago and has evolved as business has progressed throughout the years. Today, the MBA is recognized as an international standard in business.

The MBA provides the foundations of business covering marketing, accounting, finance, economics, human resources, strategic planning and more. MBA candidates learn how the various functions of a company interrelate and gain invaluable critical thinking and problem-solving skills while networking with other business professionals.

About 100,000 new MBA graduates complete their studies every year in the U.S., and move on to obtain corporate management positions while those with the entrepreneurial spirit establish their own businesses. "

  • Does it really worth it ?

So, more success, higher income ... It seems pretty fabulous :).
Surprinsingly, ranked and unranked business schools charge similar tuition !! A $150,000 to $300,000 investment !

Simply put, the higher ranked your MBA program, the greater your MBA profit - on practically the same investment. :)

Come on, take risks man !!
The more training and eduction you take on, the more you'll increase your potential !! ahah :)

[Note: To be completed with exclusive content soon :) ]


posted by Davido at Monday, March 27, 2006 | Permalink |

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Comments for MBA ... or how to boost your income !! :)
But, say you dropped out of high school and went to work full-time at a local factory making $16 hour. You stay at the job, live at home for five years, meanwhile you get annual raises eventually bumping up your salary to $32 an hour. But you've got no debt because you never went to college and your parents let you use there beater of a car to go to and from work each day. Eventually you're promoted to a management position and you're making $50 an hour. Still no debt. Over the course of 10 to 15 years you've made close to $200,000. Meanwhile your friend from high school went to an expensive college that required loans to pay for. Once he graduates, he must take the first job offered to him regardless of it's quality because THOSE LOANS MUST BE PAID. Intrest on those college loans grow exponentially, so if he's not paying them off, that college is costing even more. He's forced to live at home just to make ends meet and his resume is going nowhere because he's got a crappy job. Over the same 10 to 15 year period, he'll make $50,000 to $75,000 in actual money.
Just a thought, I could be wrong or this could be a meaningless hypothesis.

I think there's also a lot of hype around the MBA thing, in that a lot of people take their MBA's but don't end up a lot better than they could have without it.
Also, a diploma doesn't really mean you know anything. A lot of businesses concentrate more on what diplomas people have rather than what they actually know and can prove in a job test period.

(a) Grant Miller is exactly right.

(b) I liked your line, "Does it worth it?" Um, I'd say not.

(c) Your statistics are misleading at best. The unemployment rate for university graduates is a lot lower than 35.9% -- maybe the field-specific employment, but that's irrelevant. No one with a philosophy BA gets a philosophy job, but plenty of them get law degrees and become lawyers.
  • Posted at 6:57 PM | By Anonymous Anonymous

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